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July 2013

    gearbox/flywheel/clutch assembly

    July 13, 2013

    okey dokey ,well a little bit more done.

    so in my attempt to make a remote gearbox/flywheel/clutch assembly, I have cut out of steel plate a mounting plate for the hub.this will bolt over the face of the gearbox and have a wheel hub with a cv joint and wheel flange in it…,with those bracing pieces there .. to mount the flywheel on..

    here’s the hub I will use ,with all the arms off and machined down in the lathe..

    this is the gearbox, a ford mt75..

    and a new turbo came my way out of the blue , I thought you’d enjoy its excessive size ..

    maybe good for a jet engine go cart one day .its good for around 1500 bhp I think on a big v8 .comes off a rock mover thingy 23 litres 2200lbs.ft and 750 odd bhp.100 ton gvw …..nice
